1.If you already have ClearCase LT installed on your workstation, then you might be able to upgrade it to the current version.
2.This tool allows you to review differences between a current version and an earlier version, or to contrast two possible projections.
3.So don't wait for the next cairo release; go ahead and download the current version and try it out!
4.Do not assume that if it is not broken on the current version of the product, the bug must have been fixed.
5.The current version of MQ LLM is designed primarily for the messaging requirements of the front-office of financial institutions.
6.The White House has so far declined to comment publicly on the current version of the legislation.
7.For the list of malicious software that the current version of the tool is capable of removing as well as usage instructions.
8.He promises the upcoming version to be significantly different from the current version and with better WiFi support.
9.Maturity is measured by a combination of the current version of the framework and the length of time it spent in development.
10.Your computer or operating system is not supported by the current version of these laptop control panels.